Special Issue Journals

Selected papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in special issues of the following journals:

International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology;

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B; Journal of Engineering Manufacture;

Lasers in Engineering;

International Journal of Laser Science: Fundamental Theory and Analytical Methods

Submission Procedures

1. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology

The special issue entitled “Advanced Manufacturing Technology - MATADOR” is now configured on the Springer system for the special issue in International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. The publisher is Springer-Nature. Before you submit and if you have not already done so, you need to register as an author here: https://www.editorialmanager.com/jamt/Default.aspx

In case you have already registered, then simply submit your paper as “SI: Advanced Manufacturing Technology - MATADOR” in the journal submission system and follow the step-by-step procedure. We urge you to submit your papers as soon as possible to facilitate early review. Please submit the paper latest by 15th June 2019.

Please ensure that:

• The technical idea is clearly presented and the abstract and conclusions show the main contribution to new knowledge and a clear contribution to new manufacturing science.

• The full manuscript meets technical English standards.

Submission deadline: 15 June 2019

2. Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) Proceedings, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture

For authors with papers selected for consideration in a special issue of Proceedings of the IMechE, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, please prepare your paper and submit to the journal by 15th June 2019 using the following link:


Select: Start New Submission

Select: Special issue: MATADOR

This will then be reviewed by the journal.

Submission deadline: 15 June 2019

3. Lasers in Engineering

For those who wish to submit MATADOR papers to a special issue of Lasers in Engineering, please submit the papers (in PDF form, following the journal format) to:

Professor Jonathan Lawrence, Editor-in-Chief, by email:


Please mention “40th MATADOR Conference Special Issue” in your email. These papers need to be sent to him before the conference dates, so that they are classified as not having been published or presented before.

Submission deadline: 30 June 2019

4. International Journal of Laser Science: Fundamental Theory and Analytical Methods

Those authors who wish to submit MATADOR papers to a special issue of this journal, please submit the papers (in PDF form, following the journal format) to:

Professor Jonathan Lawrence, Editor-in-Chief, by email:


Please mention “40th MATADOR Conference Special Issue” in your email. These papers need to be sent to him before the conference dates, so that they are classified as not having been published or presented before.

Submission deadline: 30 June 2019